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a healing ministry
Meet the Team


KULEANA INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS PRIORY 1007 is a Registered-Recognized International Native Taino Indigenous Church of Hope Tribal Organization: KULEANA INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS PRIORY 1007 was established to provide our community with service, education, spiritual fellowship and healing. We are a special and sacred ministry of monastic medicine, sanctified healing, ecclesiastical medicine, holistic medicine, as well as indigenous medicines as part of our religious doctrine.


KULEANA INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS PRIORY 1007 is a Florida State un-incorporated Not-for-profit, 508(c)(1)(a) compliant FBO (Faith-Based Organizations)/ Church and Integrated Auxiliary of the Under the Protection of the Holy Catholic Church of the East in Brazil: a medical Diocese of special ministry of Nevis and Ecuador: Sacred Medical Order of the Church of Hope (SMOCH) under the Protectorate of the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope (SMOKH).  As an ecumenical order, SMOCH welcomes membership, by all those who have faith in Christ.


KULEANA INTEGRATIVE WELLNESS PRIORY 1007  is a private membership association and free church – meaning, you must be a member to be receive services including but not limited to any advice. Memberships can be applied for online prior to your initial consultation in person, via phone, or via other forms of telecommunication

Copyright © 2016-2025 Kuleana Integrative Wellness Priory 1007 All Rights Reserved.

The statements on this website and in the classes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is given strictly for educational purposes. In no way should the information on this website be considered a substitute for competent medical care by your physician or other healthcare professional.

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