Kuleana Integrative Wellness Priory 1007
A Healing Ministry

Mind Control
A brain damaged populace are easier to rule, dominate, control, govern, lie to, manipulate and steal from. You don't need any degree in political science to figure this out. The weaker and more screwed up your population, the easier they are to boss or bully in any direction you wish. Historical records prove conclusively that drugs have always been used to subdue the slave class, in order to make them easier to enslave. Everything from the modern opioid crisis to the fabricated invasion of Afghanistan (to control the opium producing poppy fields) all the way from the opium wars with China in the late 1700's to the current weed legalization tsunami today........it simply reflects one large chapter in the human farming manual, used by the same intergenerational crime syndicate, to more easily dominate the human cattle down here on the human farm. Even at Woodstock, all the drugs were provided by the CIA (the ruling group's enforcement wing inside the corrupt US government) because the easiest way to take down any awakening movement in the slave class is to SEND IN THE DRUGS. This marijuana legalization craze is just the most modern extension of this agenda.
Although I could dance around this issue to not offend the average lover of marijuana, I can't. I don't have the ability to sugar coat things, especially at my age and especially with the world going to shit at light speed already....because so many people need their mental safe zones, where only childhood fantasies rule the roost. Our governments are not giving the public access to marijuana because the public strong armed them into submission. Getting high because you think you want to isn't freedom......it's free-dumb, which is how the government gives us all the fake freedoms that are dumb, in the areas that don't count, in order that we believe we're free.....as we destroy ourselves as Olympic Sport down here on the poison laced human farm. Welcome the free-dumb plan. Weed legalization is part of the free-dumb plan. You're free to be an absolute human mess, everything else is off limits or at least heavily discouraged and disincentivized.
The group currently in charge doesn't stay in charge by making the public healthy, empowered or disease free. It's the exact opposite. If someone can't understand that, please stop reading right now because that level of reality avoidance means that sort of person is too far gone at this point. No offense, just stop reading. Anything below this sentence is for empowered adults only, who want to process reality as reality, in order to navigate life more successfully. If you really think that the same government forces, who just killed 20 million people with fake COVID vaccines, are recently dishing out marijuana because it's healthy for the public.......please just stop reading, please. I insist.
I could also make this long and drawn out but I'm not even going to do that. You're either going to get it from the two videos below, with some minor commentary from myself, or you'll just crawl back into the comfort coma you call home and keep playing your part in this ongoing poison the public psy-op, which is thousands of years old.....in my humble (yet very well researched) opinion. Click here and here to learn about the social engineering going on within our society. Drugging the people into various levels of disease and disempowerment is all part and parcel of how the ruling group maintains their power.
The truth about weed is simple. Smoking marijuana destroys the hippocampus. And if you don't know how bad that is, I have placed a second video below as well, with some minor commentary. Let's first see that smoking weed shrinks the hippocampus in the first video below and then I'll explain why tricking humans to do this to themselves is essential for grinding those humans into hamburger patties......which includes installing the new world order, tricking billions of humans to inject poison into themselves and their kids plus basically getting most people to participate fully in what's obviously an extremely dark and evil agenda on this planet. You can't get anything like this accomplished without inflicting major brain damage in the population, especially damaging the hippocampus.
Have you ever asked yourself questions like this? Why can't people see that doctors aren't health experts? Why can't people understand that circumcision is bad for their male newborns? How can a person gain weight slowly to the point where they become obese, without ever arresting their slide into complete misery? Why would a lady get off her couch to attend a pro-abortion rally (as one of her most cherished God given human rights) but then happily inject COVID fake vaccine poison into herself and her own kids, without any protest whatsoever? The answer to these questions and many more like them, often revolve around the war on our brains, by the people trying to install the new world order......and the protocols they use to cause brain damage in the public, especially damage in the hippocampus. The first order of business today is below and that is smoking weed leads to dysfunction and shrinkage of the hippocampus plus overall forms of brain damage.